Cleantech Ecosystem Intelligence

Cleantech Ecosystem Intelligence









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didn’t even know existed 

you didn’t even know


didn’t even know existed 

Unlock global AI-powered insights tailored to your company’s strengths,

helping you find the perfect projects, secure funding, and

land customers—all faster than ever before.

Unlock global AI-powered insights tailored to your company’s strengths,

helping you find the perfect partners, secure funding, and land customers—all faster than ever before

Unlock global AI-powered insights tailored to your company's strengths,

helping you find the perfect projects, secure funding, and

land customers — all faster than ever before.

Unlock global AI-powered insights tailored to your company’s strengths,

helping you find the perfect projects, secure funding, and l

and customers—all faster than ever before.

Backed and Trusted By Cleantech Leaders at

Backed and Trusted By Cleantech Leaders at

Backed and Trusted By Cleantech Leaders at

What business development

managers and CEOs are saying….

What business


managers and

ceos are saying

What business development

managers and CEOs are saying….

Be among the first to experience the magic of AI working for you

Be among the first to experience the magic of

AI working for you

Be among the first to experience the magic of AI working for you

Mark Skljarov

CEO at WasteLocker

“Finding and convincing clients is the hardest part if Shuum can help me replace the leg work I hire assistants for, I’m in.”

Jag Singh 

Director Of Business Development at SBI BioEnergy Inc

“Shuum cut our research time in half and helped us identify a game-changing partnership opportunity.”

Strategic Account Executive at Schneider Electric

“Looking forward to Shuum streamlining our workflow and helping us discover cross-sector opportunities”

“Looking forward to Shuum streamlining

our workflow and helping us discover cross-sector opportunities”

“Looking forward to Shuum streamlining

our workflow and helping us discover cross-sector opportunities”

“Looking forward to Shuum streamlining

our workflow and helping us discover cross-sector opportunities”

  • Jag Singh 

    Director Of Business Development at SBI BioEnergy Inc

    “Shuum cut our research time in half and helped us identify a game-changing partnership opportunity.”

  • Mark Skljarov

    CEO at WasteLocker

    “Finding and convincing clients is the hardest part if Shuum can help me replace the leg work I hire assistants for, I’m in.”

  • Strategic Account Executive at Schneider Electric

    “Looking forward to Shuum streamlining

    our workflow and helping us discover cross-sector opportunities”

Earth's window is closing…

Earth's window is closing…

At Shuum, we’re accelerating the cleantech revolution,

one closed deal at a time.

Ready to become Shuuman™ 😉 and save the planet?

At Shuum, we’re accelerating the cleantech revolution, one closed deal at a time.

Ready to become Shuuman™ 😉 and save the planet? .

At Shuum, we’re accelerating the cleantech revolution, one closed deal at a time.

Ready to become Shuuman™ 😉 and save the planet?

At Shuum, we're accelerating the cleantech revolution, one closed deal

at a time. Ready to become Shuuman™ 😉 and save the planet?

At Shuum, we’re accelerating the cleantech revolution,

one closed deal at a time.

Ready to become Shuuman™ 😉 and save the planet?


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© 2024 Shuum Inc. All rights reserved

© 2024 Shuum Inc. All rights reserved